1. Open a browser and go to: https://receiver.bfcsaz.com

2. Login using your username and password

3. Receiver Web will detect that you do not have 'Citrix Receiver' installed and ask to 'Detect Receiver'. Click 'Detect Receiver'

4. Tick 'I agree' with Citrix license agreement. Click 'Download'

5. Save 'CitrixReceiverWeb' to your 'Desktop' and run it. Click 'Start'

6. Click 'I accept the license agreement'.

7. Leave 'Enable Single sign-on' unticked, then Click 'Install'.

8. Click the 'Continue' button in the web interface.

9. Tell Chrome to 'Remember my choice for Citrix Receiver Launcher links', then click 'Open Citrix Receiver Launcher'.

You'll now be connected to your VDI at work, remotely. If you are using 'Chrome Remote Desktop', you will no longer it to get into your computer.